Ed Berland, Principal & Creative Director / Berland Design GroupWith a B.A., Art Studio degree and more than 35 years of experience as a designer of all things visual, the graphics community has continually called Ed Berland in to “troubleshoot” problem assignments and “make things right” for the many commercial artists, designers, and photographers who do not have the technological grounding necessary for new media.

Ed Berland, in pursuit of his hobby, historical reenactment.

Yet, his most valuable assets transcend technology.

Ed lives life the way he creates. A sailor, historical re-enactor and occasional fabricator of medieval arms and armor, he literally lives, works and plays on the edge. He is the quintessential 21st Century Art Director. Having learned his craft by putting out the fires created by others, he understands his technologies from the inside out as only someone who has walked the talk can. Because he knows the comparative strengths, limitations, and challenges inherent is those media technologies, he also understands the opportunities they afford.

Artist. Art Director. Visionary. But, more to the point, Ed’s a doer. He keeps his own council and is famous for his spontaneity. The edge — if nothing else — is liking who you are and what you do enough to give your best when it counts. The net benefit of having BERLAND DESIGN GROUP and Ed on your team is a consistent flow of integral concepts that are fresh and on the edge. And, execution that redefines where that edge is.


As of December 31st, 2015, Ed Berland has retired from BERLAND DESIGN GROUP.

Ed has chosen to pursue his avocation of historical reenactment. You may find him in the company of others of the same ilk, somewhere in the time period of 793-1066CE.

BERLAND DESIGN GROUP will no longer be taking on new clients or projects.

HOWEVER…should you have a project of sufficient interest, you may consider writing or calling Ed, to see if you can “re-awaken the slumbering, creative beast”, that still resides within him. It is possible to cause him to put down his sharp toys and return to the modern world, if you pique his interest sufficiently.